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Sunday, August 13, 2017

Power Wheelchairs

Power Wheelchairs
The jazzy power chair is made by Pride mobility in America and has been the leader in power chair technology since the year 1996.

There are several models of this power chair which include:

Jazzy Sparky:
The jazzy sparky is very convenient for use in the classroom and playground. It is engineered to work in very small spaces. It is designed to provide full rehab capability in a powerful and compact pediatric package.

The fusion power chair has a rear-wheel drive. It has a speed of up to 6.5 km/h and delivers a gripping torque for terrains. It is maneuverable in small spaces because of the compact design that it comes with.

Go Chair :
The Go chair is a travel chair that combines excellent maneuverability, styles and super portability at a low price. It can be easily disassembled for transportation and fits in the boot of most cars.

LX2 :
The Lx2 power chair has easy portability and comes with the standard features that are required to meet the daily life demands .It has a compact frame that enables smooth indoor maneuvering as well as a combination of anti – tip wheels to provide a stable outdoor performance.
It is the most economical folding power chair.

Jazzy Select:
The jazzy select is highly maneuverable and comes with an in-line motor technology for high efficiency and performance. It also has convenience and performance features such as Standard Active – Trac Suspension that make it easy to use.

Ophthalmologist – Find the best one for you.

Pride Leve:
The Pride leve is designed for a performance of high standards. It comes with high specifications that allow you to adjust it according to your needs while at the same time maintaining an elegant style.

Other models of the jazzy power chair are pride valor and jazzy select 6.

Power Wheelchairs
jazzy medical power chairAdvantages of the jazzy power chair:
Has versatility: Because of the several models available for one to choose from, there is always a jazzy power chair to meet you preferences and needs. In addition, there are many accessories and options that you can select for all your needs.

Easy to use: It has an innovative design that will enable you to operate it with little difficulty. It has state- of- the- art controls which are easy to use. The mid – wheel drive technology that comes with it will maximize the position of your body in the chair. This makes the operation comfortable and simple.

Reliable: It is factory tested and engineered so as to give you a high performance operation that is very consistent. With construction of the highest quality as well as durability that is proven, this power chair can serve you for a long period of time.

Maneuverable: It is the most maneuverable power chair. All the models have a mid – wheel drive design that is patented so as to enable you navigate in small spaces and achieve tight turning radiuses.

With the ability to excel in many areas, the most popular power chair in America is the jazzy power chair.


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